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Intestacy (Dying without a Will)

Estate Distribution


  Is the person married?  

   Yes   No  
Spouse gets everythingNoIs the estate worth more than £250,000 Does the person have children ?YesShared equally between them
         Yes   No  
Spouse gets £250,000 and a life interest in the remainder, Children get the restYesDoes the person have children Does the person have parentsYesShared equally between them
   No   No  
Spouse get first £450,000 plus half balance, Rest shared between parentsYesDoes the person have parents? Does the person have brothers or sistersYesShared equally between them
   No   No  
Spouse gets first £450,000 plus half balance. Rest shared between brothers and sistersYesDoes the person have brothers or sisters?  Does the person have grandparentsYesShared equally between them
   No   No  
  Everything goes to the spouse Does the person have uncles and auntsYesShared equally between them
    Everything goes to the crown   

   * The spouse will benefit only if he or she survives the intestate by 28 days

The FCA does not regulate Will writing and some forms of estate planning.

For Will writing and estate planning we act as introducers only.

Seek advice, start to protect your assets by making a Will. 

189, Richmond Road, Twickenham, TW1 2NJ
Tel: 020 8892 2400, Fax: 020 8892 2308, Email: