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Offshore Mortgages

We are able to act as introducers to obtain mortgages for clients living overseas both on a buy to let basis or a residential basis depending on the individual circumstances and in both options often the mortgage rates can be cheaper than normal UK residential mortgages. We can also act as introducers to obtain this cheaper funding sometimes for clients who live in the UK but are classified as non domicile.   

Please contact us for full terms, conditions and criteria.

Changes in the exchange rate may increase the sterling equivalent of your debt.

Foreign mortgages are not regulated by the FCA or arranged via Sesame. The FCA does not regulate some forms of Buy to let mortgages. 

Your property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your Mortgage.

189, Richmond Road, Twickenham, TW1 2NJ
Tel: 020 8892 2400, Fax: 020 8892 2308, Email: